9 Reasons Why do Yorkies Shake [#3 & #9 Can be Serious Cause]

why do yorkies shake

Welcome, fellow Yorkie owners and pet enthusiasts! Today, we embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries behind our beloved Yorkshire Terriers’ shaking behavior. If you’ve ever wondered why your adorable furry companion shakes or shivers, you’ve come to the right place.

Why do Yorkies shake, you ask? It’s a question many of us have pondered, and the answers might not always be apparent. 

Our journey begins with the understanding that not all shaking is cause for alarm. Yorkies, like all dogs, have their quirks, and sometimes shaking is a natural response to emotions or temperature changes. However, there are instances when shaking may be a sign of an underlying issue that requires attention.

Why Do Yorkies Shake?

Yorkie shaking is often associated with their body’s natural response to specific stimuli, particularly temperature fluctuations. Understanding the physiological aspects behind this behavior will help us provide better care for our adorable four-legged friends.

One of the primary reasons why Yorkies shake is their body temperature regulation. Unlike larger dog breeds, Yorkies have a small body size and a relatively high surface area-to-body mass ratio. 

This means that they can lose body heat more quickly, making them more susceptible to feeling cold. Our little friends lack the thick undercoat that many other breeds have, which provides insulation against chilly weather.

To combat the cold, Yorkies have developed an ingenious mechanism – shivering. When they start shaking, their tiny muscle groups work like miniature heaters, generating heat to warm up their bodies. 

This involuntary muscle movement not only keeps them cozy but also helps protect their vital organs from the cold. It’s our fur babies’ way of saying, “I need a little extra warmth, please!”

However, it’s essential to differentiate between normal shivering and when it might indicate something more serious. While mild shivering in response to cold temperatures is generally normal and harmless, excessive or persistent shaking could be a sign of an underlying issue.

Causes of Yorkie Shaking

As devoted Yorkie owners, we strive to understand every nuance of our furry companions’ behaviors. Let’s dive into the various reasons why our adorable Yorkies shake, offering detailed explanations for each factor. Armed with this knowledge, we can better address their needs and provide the care they deserve.

1. Cold Temperature

Yorkies are small dogs with a luxurious single-layer coat that lacks the typical undercoat found in many other breeds. As a result, they are more sensitive to temperature changes, especially in colder environments. 

a little yorkie in cold weather

When exposed to chilly weather, their bodies might naturally react with shivering as a means of generating extra warmth. It’s like their tiny internal thermostat is trying to kick into high gear!

How to cope with it 

To keep our shivering Yorkies comfortable during colder months, we can provide them with cozy clothing like sweaters or jackets. Creating a warm and closed environment indoors also goes a long way in preventing excessive shaking. 

Ensure their resting area is free from drafts. Consider investing in a heated dog bed or using a pet-safe heating pad for cozy nights. Just imagine cuddling up with your Yorkie under a soft blanket – it’s a win-win for both of you!

2. Stress and Anxiety

One factor to watch out for is stress-induced Yorkie shaking. Our sensitive Yorkies can easily become anxious or stressed in certain situations, such as unfamiliar environments, loud noises, or changes in their routines. 

a little yorkie in warm and cozy place

When they feel overwhelmed or scared, they may resort to shaking as a way to cope with their emotions. As caring pet parents, it’s crucial to identify these triggers and provide a calming and safe space for our fur babies.

Tips for managing stress

Offering a designated “safe space” where they can retreat during stressful situations can work wonders. Calming techniqueslike soothing massages, puzzle toys, or gentle music, can help alleviate their anxiety. Use positive reinforcement, treats, and praise to soothe their nerves.

3. Hypoglycemia

Another potential cause of shaking in Yorkies, especially in puppies, is hypoglycemiaHypoglycemia occurs when a dog’s blood sugar levels drop to abnormally low levels, leading to weakness, trembling, and even seizures. 

This condition is more common in young Yorkies due to their small size and high metabolism. If you notice your puppy shaking and displaying other symptoms like lethargy and disinterest in food, seek veterinary attention promptly.

Managing Hypoglycemia

Regular feeding schedules with small, frequent meals can help maintain stable blood sugar levelsOffer a sugar boost with honey or maple syrup on their gums. You might also want to keep a close eye on your puppy’s energy levels and seek veterinary attention if you suspect hypoglycemia. 

4. Emotional Triggers

Just like us, Yorkies experience a range of emotions, and certain triggers can lead to shaking. Excitement, fear, or even sudden changes in emotions can manifest in this way. Understanding these triggers can help us provide the right support for our furry friends.

Handling Emotional Triggers

Recognizing and acknowledging their emotions is the first step. For instance, if your Yorkie shakes during thunderstorms due to fear, providing a safe space and calming distractions can offer relief.

5. Physical Pain or Discomfort 

Yorkies, like all dogs, may shake in response to physical discomfort or pain. It could be due to an injury, joint pain, or an underlying health issue. As loving and attentive pet owners, we must be vigilant and look for other signs of distress, such as limping or changes in appetite.

Addressing Pain

If you suspect that your Yorkie’s shaking is related to pain or discomfort, a visit to the veterinarian is essential for a thorough examination and proper diagnosis. Depending on the cause, your vet may recommend appropriate treatment or pain management strategies.

6. Reaction to Medications

In some cases, Yorkies might shake or exhibit tremors as a side effect of certain medications they are taking. It’s crucial to keep track of any changes in behavior after starting a new medication or adjusting the dosage.

Managing Medication Side Effects

If you notice shaking coinciding with medication intake, reach out to your veterinarian immediately. They may recommend adjustments in dosage or alternative medications to minimize these side effects.

7. Excitement

Our energetic Yorkies can get quite excited when something thrilling is about to happen, like going for a walk, playing with their favorite toy, or welcoming us home after being away. This joyful anticipation can sometimes manifest as shaking.

Embracing the Excitement

While this type of shaking is generally harmless, we can channel their excitement positively by engaging in playful activities or rewarding them with treats. Their wagging tails and happy barks are witness to their uncontrolled joy!

8. Aging and Senility

As our Yorkies gracefully age, they might experience changes in their behavior due to age-related factors. Senility, or cognitive dysfunction syndrome, can lead to increased confusion, anxiety, and shaking.

Supporting Aging Yorkies

Providing a consistent and predictable routine can help ease anxiety in older Yorkies. Additionally, interactive toys and mental stimulation can help keep their minds sharp and focused.

9. Hypothermia

While Yorkies have an efficient shivering response to combat the cold, they are not immune to the dangers of extremely low temperatures. Prolonged exposure to severe cold weather can lead to hypothermia, a serious condition that requires immediate attention.

yorkie in blanket to avoid cold

Protecting from Hypothermia

To prevent hypothermiaavoid prolonged exposure to very cold environments, especially if your Yorkie is not wearing protective clothing. When going out in winter, keep outdoor activities short and ensure they have a comfy spot indoors to warm up.

Normal Shaking vs. Excessive Shaking Behavior

Remember, every Yorkie is unique, and their shaking behaviors may vary. Some Yorkies might be more prone to shivering due to their temperament, while others may rarely exhibit shaking.

Normal Shaking

It’s important to note that some degree of shaking is natural for Yorkies, especially in specific situations. For instance, when they encounter exciting experiences or get a little chilly, they may exhibit mild shivering as part of their normal body response. This type of shaking is usually short-lived and not accompanied by any other concerning symptoms.

Concerning Symptoms

While some shaking is typical, it’s crucial to be watchful for any unusual or excessive shaking, which could be a sign of an underlying problem. Here are some concerning symptoms to look out for:

  1. Constant Shaking: If your Yorkie shakes for an extended period, seems unable to stop, or shakes without an apparent cause, it’s worth paying attention to.
  2. Other Symptoms: Be on the lookout for shaking combined with other concerning signs, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, or difficulty breathing.
  3. Changes in Behavior: Sudden shifts in your Yorkie’s behavior, such as increased anxiety, withdrawal, or aggression, could be signs of a more serious issue.
  4. Severe Tremors or Seizures: If the shaking becomes intense, resembles trembling, or progresses to full-body tremors or seizures, immediate veterinary attention is necessary.

Observation and Vet Consultation

As responsible pet owners, it’s essential to observe our Yorkies closely and take note of any changes in their behavior. If you notice any of the concerning symptoms mentioned above, don’t hesitate to reach out to your veterinarian. Timely intervention can make a significant difference in diagnosing and addressing potential health concerns.

Balanced Diet to Manage Shivering

A well-balanced diet is the foundation of your Yorkie’s overall health and well-being. Providing them with the right nutrition not only ensures they stay fit and active but also plays a significant role in preventing certain medical conditions, such as hypoglycemia. Follow the given guide on nourishing your Yorkie with a nutritious and balanced diet:

High-Quality Dog Food

When it comes to choosing the best food for your Yorkie, opt for premium, age-appropriate dog food that aligns with their specific nutritional requirements. 

Look for options that are rich in high-quality proteins, such as chicken, turkey, or fish. Proteins are essential for building and repairing tissues, supporting a strong immune system, and promoting healthy skin and coat.

feeding a little yorkie with nutritious food

Healthy Fats and Vitamins

In addition to proteins, ensure that your Yorkie’s diet includes healthy fats, like omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These fats contribute to healthy brain function and maintain the shine of their luxurious coats. 

Furthermore, essential vitamins, such as A, D, E, and B-complex vitamins, play vital roles in supporting various bodily functions and maintaining overall health.

Portion Sizes

Yorkies are small dogs with a delicate appetite. It’s essential to provide them with appropriately sized portions to avoid overfeeding, which could lead to obesityObesity in Yorkies can aggravate joint issues and put a strain on their tiny frames. 

If you’re unsure about portion sizes, consult your veterinarian for personalized feeding recommendations based on your Yorkie’s age, activity level, and size.

Scheduled Feedings

Establishing a consistent feeding schedule is critical for Yorkies. Instead of free-feeding (leaving food available all day), opt for scheduled mealtimes with small, frequent meals throughout the day. 

Regular, portion-controlled meals help prevent drops in blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of hypoglycemia, which can be particularly concerning for young Yorkies.


In addition to a balanced diet, make sure your Yorkie has access to fresh and clean water at all times. Proper hydration is essential for their overall health and supports various bodily functions, including digestion and temperature regulation.

hydrated yorkie drinking water

Consult with the Vet for a Diet Plan

Every Yorkie is unique, and their dietary needs can vary based on factors such as age, weight, activity level, and any underlying health conditions. 

To ensure you’re providing the best diet for your furry companion, consult with your veterinarian. They can offer valuable insights and recommend the most suitable diet plan tailored to your Yorkie’s individual needs.

The Power of Love and Care

Remember, our furry companions rely on us for love and care, and by being attentive to their needs, we can ensure their happiness and health. 

Our Yorkies thrive on the love and care we provide. During episodes of shaking, offering them warmth, comfort, and a calming presence goes a long way in helping them feel safe and secure. If you ever feel unsure or concerned about your Yorkie’s shaking, don’t hesitate to reach out to your veterinarian. Their expertise can provide valuable insights and ensure the best care for your furry companion.

Hi, I’m Joseph

I'm Joseph Evans, a dedicated writer and passionate Yorkie enthusiast. From a young age, I've been captivated by the charm and uniqueness of Yorkshire Terriers. As the proud owner of the website HomieYorkie.com, I've turned my passion into a platform for sharing valuable insights about these adorable companions.

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