Why Do Yorkies Lick So Much? [Signs You Should Not Ignore]

If you own a Yorkie, you may have noticed them lavishing you with their wet kisses, but sometimes, this licking behavior goes beyond normal displays of affection. Excessive licking in Yorkies can be a perplexing issue, and understanding its root causes is essential in caring for your furry friend’s well-being.
Why do Yorkies lick so much?
While occasional licking is a natural and lovely part of a Yorkie’s behavior, excessive licking can be indicative of underlying problems. Yorkie owners must grasp the significance of this behavior, as it can signal various emotional, physical, or environmental issues affecting your beloved pet. As a responsible pet owner, being attentive to your Yorkie’s actions is essential.
In this comprehensive blog, we delve into the reasons why Yorkies lick excessively, exploring both behavioral and medical factors. Additionally, we will provide valuable management insights to help you address and reduce this behavior effectively.
Behavioral Reasons for Yorkie Licking
Yorkies are well known for their loving and adorable behavior, and licking is one of the ways they express their love for their owners. Understanding the behavioral reasons behind their excessive licking can provide valuable insights into their emotions and social dynamics.
1. It’s Their Nature
Licking is deeply ingrained in a Yorkie’s nature, and it serves as a powerful means of communication and bonding with their human family. In a canine, licking is a common social behavior used to establish and reinforce bonds between group members.
For Yorkies, their human family becomes their “group,” and licking is a way of showing love, respect, and submission.
In a Yorkie’s eyes, their human family is the Alpha, the leader of the pack. Licking is a submissive gesture, a way of acknowledging the leadership and nurturing a strong bond. When your Yorkie licks you, they are essentially expressing their loyalty and admiration, seeking comfort and security in your presence.
2. They Need Attention
Yorkies are known to be attention seekers, and licking is one of their go-to methods to grab your focus. When they lick you, they are seeking approval and interaction.
Your positive response to their affectionate gesture reinforces their behavior, encouraging them to repeat it. A bored Yorkie may engage in excessive licking as a way to alleviate their restlessness or to seek mental stimulation.
While seeking attention is natural, excessive licking in certain situations may signal underlying issues. If your Yorkie resorts to continuous licking even after receiving attention, it might be an indicator of stress, boredom, or anxiety.
3. They Taste Something Salty
Licking is not only a way for Yorkies to express their emotions but also a means of exploring the world around them. Dogs experience the world through their senses, and their keen sense of taste prompts them to lick objects and people to gather information about their environment.

Sometimes, your Yorkie might indulge in excessive licking due to the taste of something appealing. For instance, if you have salt residue on your skin or have recently applied a tasty-smelling lotion, your curious canine companion may find it tempting and engage in prolonged licking.
Understanding the behavioral reasons behind your Yorkie’s excessive licking is crucial for strengthening your bond and ensuring their emotional well-being.
Medical Factors and Allergies
While behavioral reasons play a significant role in Yorkie licking behavior, there are also medical factors and allergies that can contribute to this habit. Identifying and addressing these underlying health issues is crucial for the well-being of your furry friend.
1. Food Allergies and Sensitivities
Just like humans, dogs, including Yorkies, can suffer from food allergies and sensitivities. Certain ingredients in commercial dog food or homemade meals may trigger adverse reactions in your Yorkie’s immune system, leading to allergic responses.
Connection Between Food Allergies and Excessive Licking
Excessive licking can be a symptom of food allergies or sensitivities in Yorkies. When a Yorkie ingests a food item they are allergic to, it can cause skin irritation, itching, and discomfort. In response, your furry companion may excessively lick their paws, legs, or other body parts to alleviate the itchiness.
To address this issue, consider consulting your veterinarian to conduct an allergy test or recommend an elimination diet to identify the specific allergens causing the reaction. Once you identify the problematic ingredients, you can transition your Yorkie to a suitable hypoallergenic diet to alleviate their discomfort and reduce excessive licking.
2. Environmental Allergens
Yorkies, like many other dogs, can be sensitive to environmental allergens such as pollen, dust, mold, or certain plant materials. Seasonal changes, especially during spring and fall, can bring about an increase in airborne allergens, triggering allergic reactions in susceptible Yorkies.
When your Yorkie comes into contact with environmental allergens, they may experience skin irritation or itching, prompting them to lick excessively as a way to soothe the discomfort. The areas most commonly affected include the paws, legs, and abdomen.
To mitigate the impact of environmental allergens, consider keeping your home clean and free of dust and pollen. Regularly bathe and groom your Yorkie to remove any potential allergens from their fur and paws. Additionally, you may want to consult your veterinarian for suitable antihistamines or other allergy management options.
3. Stress and Anxiety
Yorkies are sensitive and can be prone to experiencing stress and anxiety, particularly during changes in their environment, or routine, or when separated from their human family. Excessive licking can be a coping mechanism used by your Yorkie to self-soothe and relieve their anxiety.
When encountered with stressful situations or feelings of anxiety, your Yorkie may turn to excessive licking as a way to comfort themselves. However, if this behavior becomes compulsive or disruptive, it’s essential to address the underlying stressors.
To help your Yorkie manage stress and anxiety, consider providing a safe and secure space for them when you’re away. Engage in regular play and exercise to release pent-up energy and provide mental stimulation. If necessary, consult a professional dog behavior specialist to develop a tailored behavior modification plan.
4. Other Symptoms
Excessive licking can be a symptom of various medical conditions, including skin infections, gastrointestinal issues, or pain. If your Yorkie’s licking is persistent and accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, or lethargy, it’s crucial to seek veterinary attention promptly.
As you delve into the medical factors and allergies contributing to excessive licking, remember that addressing these issues alongside behavioral reasons is essential for a holistic approach to managing your Yorkie’s licking behavior.
Signs of Excessive Licking in Your Yorkie
As a loving and attentive pet owner, being able to identify excessive licking in your Yorkie is vital for their overall health and well-being. While some licking is normal, consistent and persistent licking beyond usual displays of affection may indicate an underlying issue that requires attention.
1. Obsessive and Compulsive Licking Behavior
Excessive licking is characterized by an obsessive and repetitive pattern. If you notice your Yorkie continuously licking a specific body part or object for an extended period, it might be a sign of compulsive behavior.
2. Red or Irritated Skin
Frequent licking can lead to skin irritation, redness, and even hair loss in the affected areas. Pay close attention to your Yorkie’s paws, legs, and abdomen for signs of inflammation or soreness.

3. Persistent Licking When No Attention is Given
Yorkies seeking attention might resort to licking to get their owner’s focus. However, if your Yorkie continues to lick even when you are present and not engaging with them, it could indicate an underlying issue.
4. Licking in Unusual Situations
If your Yorkie starts licking excessively in situations they haven’t before, such as during walks, playtime, or mealtime, it might be worth investigating the potential triggers causing their behavior.
Observation and Veterinary Consultation
As a responsible pet owner, closely observe your Yorkie’s licking behavior and look for any patterns or triggers. If you notice signs of excessive licking, consider keeping a record of the frequency and situations in which it occurs. This information will be valuable when discussing your concerns with your veterinarian.
During your veterinary consultation, be sure to provide a detailed account of your Yorkie’s licking behavior, along with any other accompanying symptoms or changes in their routine. Your veterinarian can conduct a thorough examination and recommend appropriate tests to identify any medical issues contributing to the excessive licking.
Remember, timely identification and intervention are key to addressing any potential health or behavioral concerns, ensuring your Yorkie leads a happy and healthy life.

How to Manage Excessive Licking
Dealing with excessive licking in your beloved Yorkie requires a proactive approach that combines behavioral training, mental stimulation, and allergen management. By following these tips, you can help redirect your furry friend’s licking behavior and ensure their overall well-being.
1. Training
Positive reinforcement is an effective and humane training technique that can help discourage excessive licking in Yorkies. Whenever your Yorkie refrains from licking or redirects their behavior, reward them with treats, praise, or affection. Over time, they will associate refraining from excessive licking with positive rewards, encouraging the desired change in behavior.
Step-by-Step Training Instructions
- Identify Triggers: Observe your Yorkie to identify specific triggers that prompt excessive licking. It could be certain situations, people, objects, or times of the day.
- Redirect Attention: When you notice your Yorkie starting to lick excessively, redirect their attention to a more appropriate activity or command. Use cues like “sit” or “stay” to distract them from the licking behavior.
- Reward Good Behavior: Whenever your Yorkie refrains from licking or follows the redirected command, immediately reward them with praise and treats. Positive reinforcement strengthens the connection between desired behavior and rewards.
- Consistency is Key: Consistency is crucial for effective training. Ensure that all family members and caregivers follow the same training techniques to avoid confusion and reinforce the desired behavior consistently.
2. Mental Stimulation
A mentally stimulated Yorkie is less likely to engage in excessive licking out of boredom. Engage your furry friend’s mind with interactive toys, puzzles, and games that challenge their intelligence and problem-solving skills.

Suggested Activities and Toys
- Interactive Puzzle Toys: These toys dispense treats when your Yorkie figures out how to solve the puzzle, keeping them mentally engaged and rewarded.
- Hide and Seek: Hide treats or toys around the house and encourage your Yorkie to find them using their sense of smell.
- Training Sessions: Regular training sessions provide mental stimulation and strengthen the bond between you and your Yorkie.
- Playdates: Social interactions with other dogs can provide mental stimulation and prevent loneliness, which may reduce the need for excessive licking.
3. Identifying and Eliminating Allergens
If your Yorkie’s excessive licking is triggered by allergies, it’s essential to identify and eliminate the allergens from their environment. Common allergens include certain foods, pollen, dust mites, and chemicals.
Guidelines for Allergen Management
- Veterinary Consultation: If you suspect your Yorkie has allergies, consult your veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment options.
- Food Trials: Your vet may recommend an elimination diet to identify specific food allergens. Follow their guidance and carefully monitor your Yorkie’s response to different foods.
- Allergen-Free Home: Keep your home clean and allergen-free by regularly vacuuming, washing bedding, and using air purifiers.
- Limited Exposure: Minimize outdoor activities during high pollen seasons, and avoid areas with potential allergens.
By combining training techniques, mental stimulation, and allergen management, you can help your Yorkie overcome excessive licking tendencies and improve their overall quality of life.
Why do Yorkies lick their paws?
Yorkies licking their paws is a common behavior that can be triggered by various factors. One of the main reasons is that licking provides them comfort and a sense of relief. Dogs, including Yorkies, may lick their paws when they feel stressed, anxious, or bored. It serves as a self-soothing mechanism to cope with emotional discomfort.
Another reason for this behavior could be related to allergies. Yorkies might develop skin allergies or sensitivities to certain environmental factors, such as pollen or dust, leading to itching and irritation in their paws. Licking is their instinctual response to relieve the discomfort caused by these allergens.

Additionally, your Yorkie’s paws may be attracting their attention due to an injury or pain. If they have a cut, bruise, or foreign object stuck in their paw, they might excessively lick the area to clean it or relieve the pain.
Observing your Yorkie’s behavior and seeking veterinary advice can help identify the specific reason behind their paw licking. Addressing any underlying issues and providing alternative ways to soothe them, such as interactive toys or spending quality time together, can reduce their excessive paw-licking tendencies.
Role of Endorphin Hormone
Yorkies, like many other dogs, engage in licking behaviors that go beyond mere grooming. One fascinating aspect of this behavior is how licking triggers the release of endorphins in these adorable pets.
Endorphins are natural chemicals produced by the brain that act as pain relievers and mood enhancers. When Yorkies lick themselves or their owners, the repetitive motion stimulates the release of these feel-good hormones.

This is why you might notice your Yorkie licking you when you’re feeling down or cuddling them lovingly. The endorphins provide them with a sense of calmness and comfort, fostering a deeper emotional connection with their humans.
Triggers for Endorphin-Releasing Licking
- Affectionate Bonding: During moments of bonding and affection, such as cuddling or petting, Yorkies may lick to enhance the emotional connection and experience a sense of security and joy.
- Stressful Situations: In times of stress or anxiety, Yorkies may lick themselves or their owners to self-soothe and neutralize negative feelings.
- Exercise or Play: Endorphins are also released during physical activities. After a playful session or a brisk walk, your Yorkie may engage in licking to prolong the positive post-exercise feelings.
- Positive Reinforcement: When you reward your Yorkie with praise or treats, the act of licking may be triggered as a response to the positive reinforcement, creating a cycle of happiness and reward.
Understanding the significance of endorphin-releasing licking helps pet owners comprehend their Yorkies’ emotional needs better.
Differentiating Between Normal and Excessive Licking
It’s crucial to distinguish between normal licking behavior and excessive licking to ensure your furry companion’s well-being. Here’s how you can identify the difference and when to seek professional help or veterinary advice.
1. Licking Pattern
Normal licking is irregular and brief, often used for grooming or occasional affection. Excessive licking, on the other hand, is repetitive and prolonged, becoming a compulsive habit that goes beyond regular grooming.
2. Obsessive Focus
Excessive licking may lead to an obsession with licking, ignoring other activities like playing or eating. If your Yorkie seems fixated on licking and struggles to stop, it could indicate a problem.
3. Irritation or Inflammation
Excessive licking can lead to redness, inflammation, or even open sores on your Yorkie’s skin, particularly in the areas they lick the most.
4. Behavioral Changes
Excessive licking might be accompanied by changes in your Yorkie’s behavior, such as increased restlessness, irritability, or a lack of interest in usual activities.
5. Change in Routine
When excessive licking interferes with your Yorkie’s daily routines, such as hindering their ability to eat or sleep, it is a cause for concern.
When to Seek Professional Help
If you notice any of the above signs or if you are unsure about your Yorkie’s licking behavior, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian or a dog behavior specialist. They can assess your pet’s health, identify underlying reasons for the excessive licking, and recommend appropriate treatment or behavior modification techniques.
Creating a Calm and Comfortable Environment for Your Yorkie
Creating a calm and comfortable environment for your Yorkie is crucial in managing their licking behavior and overall well-being.
Start by designating a cozy spot for your furry companion, filled with their favorite toys and bedding. Ensure this area is away from loud noises and high-traffic areas to provide a sense of security.
Yorkies thrive on routine, so establish a consistent daily schedule for feeding, playtime, and walks. Regular exercise is essential to keep them mentally and physically stimulated, reducing boredom-induced licking.
Consider using calming aids, like soothing music or pheromone diffusers, to help ease separation anxiety or stress triggers. Always shower your Yorkie with affection and attention, reinforcing positive behaviors with treats and praise. By creating a harmonious environment, you can significantly contribute to your Yorkie’s happiness and minimize excessive licking tendencies.
Understanding why Yorkies lick excessively involves exploring behavioral, medical, and management factors. Licking can be a form of communication, seeking attention, or a response to allergies and stress. To manage this behavior, positive reinforcement training, mental stimulation, and identifying allergens are recommended.
Real-life experiences and expert insights provide valuable guidance. By creating a calm environment and seeking professional advice when needed, owners can ensure their Yorkies lead happy and healthy lives.
Expert Insights
“Excessive licking in Yorkies can be caused by a variety of factors, including allergies, anxiety, or even boredom. It’s essential to rule out any underlying medical conditions before addressing the behavior. If there are no medical issues, positive reinforcement training, and mental stimulation can be effective in curbing excessive licking.”
Certified Dog Behaviorist
“Yorkies are affectionate dogs, and licking is one way they express their emotions. However, when it becomes excessive, it might be a sign of stress or anxiety. Identifying triggers and providing a safe and comforting environment can help alleviate excessive licking. Remember, patience and consistency are key in behavior modification.”