Are Yorkies Hyper All the Time? [Signs, Causes, And Effective Tips]

are yorkies hyper

When it comes to our beloved Yorkshire Terriers, one question often arises: Are Yorkies hyperUnderstand that these adorable bundles of energy can sometimes exhibit exuberant behavior that might leave us wondering about their hyper tendencies.

As Yorkie owners, it is essential to grasp the intricacies of our Yorkies’ behavior. Hyperactivity is not just a matter of curiosity but it directly affects our pets’ well-being and the harmony within our homes. By understanding the underlying factors and employing effective management techniques, we can ensure a healthier and happier life for our furry companions.

Throughout this article, we will explore the nature of Yorkies as high-energy dogs, uncover the signs of hyperactivity, delve into the root causes of their energetic behavior, and offer a range of practical strategies to keep their exuberance in check.

High-Energy Nature of Yorkies

In the journey to understand and manage hyperactivity in Yorkshire Terriers, it is crucial to recognize the innate nature of these furry companions. Yorkies are undeniably high-energy dogs, a characteristic that sets them apart and endears them to countless pet enthusiasts.

Breed Characteristics and Energetic Trait

Yorkshire Terriers, often affectionately referred to as Yorkies, belong to a breed with a rich history that dates back to the bustling streets of Victorian England. Originally bred for their remarkable ability to catch rats and other vermin in textile factories and mines, their compact size, and innate agility made them ideal for such tasks.

This history contributes to their inherent energy levels. The industrious background of the breed has left a lasting impact on their personality, infusing them with a natural curiosity and a seemingly boundless desire to explore their surroundings. 

This is a significant factor in their hyper tendencies; their inquisitive nature drives them to remain active and engaged, even in a modern home environment.

Breed Habit to Stay Active

Yorkies possess an impressive talent for maintaining high levels of energy throughout the day. Their small size doesn’t prevent them from exhibiting a zest for life that often rivals larger breeds. Their energy isn’t limited to brief bursts; instead, they tend to sustain their activity levels consistently, making them a true embodiment of the term “high-energy dogs.”

These lively attributes also extend to their playfulness. Yorkies thrive on interactive play, and their affinity for games and toys keeps them physically and mentally engaged. Fetch, tug-of-war, and puzzle toys that challenge their minds are all excellent ways to channel their energy in positive and stimulating ways.

little cute playful yorkie

Handling Yorkies Energetic Spirit

Understanding the energetic disposition of Yorkies is the first step toward effective management of their hyper tendencies. Embracing their lively nature and providing outlets for their boundless energy is essential. Engaging them in activities that stimulate both their bodies and minds can help prevent boredom-driven hyperactivity.

Regular exercise is key. Taking them on brisk walks, engaging in play sessions, and offering opportunities for exploration can help them expend their energy in constructive ways. Additionally, considering their size, indoor play, and interactive games can also make a significant difference in managing their hyperactivity.

Signs of Hyperactivity in Yorkies

Hyperactivity in Yorkies can manifest in various ways, and being attuned to these behavioral cues empowers us to address the issue promptly and effectively.

Excessive Barking and Restlessness

One of the telltale signs of hyperactivity in Yorkies is excessive barking. While barking is a natural form of communication for dogs, an overly hyperactive Yorkie might bark excessively and without apparent reason. This behavior often stems from their heightened excitement and energy levels, causing them to react enthusiastically to various stimuli.

Restlessness is another manifestation of hyperactivity. A hyper Yorkie may find it challenging to stay still, constantly shifting positions, pacing around, and displaying an inability to settle down. This restlessness is a clear indicator that their energy levels are running high, and they’re struggling to find an outlet for their exuberance.

yorkie barking excessively

Changes in Chewing and Biting Behaviors

Hyperactive Yorkies might engage in excessive chewing and biting behaviors. Their boundless energy can lead them to chew on objects, furniture, and even their paws in an attempt to release their pent-up energy. This behavior can be detrimental to their well-being and your belongings.

Yorkies Facing Difficulty in Following Commands

While Yorkies are intelligent dogs, a hyperactive state can hinder their ability to focus and follow commands. If you notice that your typically obedient Yorkie is suddenly struggling to respond to cues and commands they once mastered, hyperactivity might be the culprit. 

Their heightened energy levels can make it challenging for them to concentrate and carry out tasks, leading to frustration for both you and your pup.

yorkie on leash training

Yorkies Showing Agitation and Inability to Relax

Hyperactive Yorkies might also display signs of agitation and an inability to relax. They may seem constantly on edge, unable to settle down and enjoy moments of calm. This persistent state of excitement can impact their overall well-being, potentially leading to stress-related health issues if left unaddressed.

Recognizing these signs of hyperactivity is the first step toward managing your Yorkie’s energetic behavior. By identifying these cues early on, you can implement strategies that help channel their energy in positive and constructive ways.

What Causes of Hyperactivity in Yorkies?

In our quest to comprehend hyperactivity in Yorkshire Terriers, it is essential to delve into the underlying factors that contribute to their energetic behavior. A deeper understanding of these causes can empower us to address the issue holistically, resulting in a more harmonious and balanced relationship with our hyperactive fur companions.

High Energy Levels

One of the primary contributors to hyperactivity in Yorkies is their naturally high energy levels. As a breed bred for agility and activity, Yorkies possess an innate energy that drives them to remain constantly engaged. 

Their boundless curiosity and zest for life are rooted in their historical role as rat-catchers, which necessitated agility and stamina. This inherent energy predisposes them to exhibit hypertendencies, particularly if not adequately channeled.

Lack of Exercise

Insufficient physical activity can exacerbate hyperactivity in Yorkshire Terriers. Without proper outlets to expend their energy, their pent-up vitality can lead to restlessness, excessive barking, and other behaviors associated with hyperactivity. 

aggressive yorkie showing biting behavior

Regular exercise not only helps burn off excess energy but also contributes to their overall well-being, both physically and mentally.

Boredom and Stimulation

A lack of mental and sensory stimulation can also contribute to hyperactivity. Yorkies are intelligent and inquisitive dogs, and a monotonous environment can lead to restlessness and undesirable behaviors. Engaging them with interactive toys, puzzles, and engaging activities can help alleviate boredom and reduce hyperactive tendencies.

Anxiety and Stress

Just like humans, dogs can experience anxiety and stressYorkies, with their sensitive and perceptive nature, might become hyperactive in response to environmental stressors. Changes in routine, loud noises, unfamiliar environments, and separation anxiety are potential triggers. 

anxious yorkie

Addressing these stressors through positive training, calming techniques, and creating a secure environment can significantly mitigate hyperactivity.


Genetics also play a role in a Yorkie’s hyperactivity. Certain genetic predispositions might contribute to their energetic behavior. If hyperactivity is observed in a pup’s lineage, it increases the likelihood of similar behavior in offspring. 

However, genetics alone are not the sole determinant, as proper management and environment can influence behavior significantly.

By providing them with adequate physical and mental stimulation, addressing their individual needs, and fostering a calm and secure environment, we can help curb their hyper tendencies and create a happier, more contented furry friend.

How to Effectively Deal with Yorkie Hyperactivity?

Navigating hyperactivity in Yorkshire Terriers requires a well-rounded approach that addresses their energetic tendencies from multiple angles. By incorporating a range of effective strategies, we can guide our lively companions toward a more balanced and harmonious lifestyle.

a. Initiate Regular Exercise

One of the key pillars of managing hyperactivity in Yorkies is regular exercise. These spirited pups have an abundance of energy to spare, and a consistent exercise routine helps channel that energy in productive and healthy ways. 

yorkie enjoying playing with ball

Aim to engage in daily exercise sessions that allow your Yorkie to stretch their legs, explore their surroundings, and engage their senses.

Recommended Exercise Routine:

  • Daily Walks: Taking your Yorkie for daily walks is essential. A brisk 30-minute walk not only allows them to burn off excess energy but also provides mental stimulation through exposure to different scents, sights, and sounds.
  • Interactive Play: Engage in DIY interactive play sessions that involve chasing toys, fetch, and gentle tug-of-war games. This not only keeps them physically active but also fosters a strong bond between you and your pup.
  • Outdoor Exploration: Visiting dog-friendly parks or nature trails provides your Yorkie with a chance to explore and expend energy in a safe environment. Allow them to sniff around and discover new scents and surroundings.

b. Provide Mental Stimulation

Yorkies have inquisitive minds that thrive on mental challenges. Incorporating mental stimulation into their daily routine helps satisfy their intellectual curiosity, keeping hyperactivity at bay. Interactive toys and games are excellent tools to keep their minds engaged while offering a source of entertainment.

Engaging Activities for Mental Stimulation:

  • Puzzle Toys: Invest in puzzle toys that dispense treats as your Yorkie figures out how to solve them. These toys encourage problem-solving skills and reward their efforts with tasty treats.
  • Hide-and-Seek: Play hide-and-seek games by hiding treats or toys around the house and encouraging your Yorkie to find them. This engages their sense of smell and taps into their natural hunting instincts.
  • Training Challenges: Teach your Yorkie new tricks or commands. Learning something new not only keeps them mentally engaged but also builds their confidence and strengthens the bond between them and you.

c. Incorporate Socialization

Socialization is a crucial aspect of managing hyperactivity in Yorkies. Early and positive exposure to various situations, people, and other dogs help them develop appropriate behavior and coping mechanisms. Socializing your Yorkie from a young age reduces the likelihood of anxious hyperactivity when faced with new experiences.

yorkie socialize with pekinese

Effective Socialization Techniques:

  • Puppy Playdates: Arrange playdates with other well-behaved dogs to provide your Yorkie with the opportunity to interact and learn appropriate social cues.
  • Structured Training Classes: Enroll your Yorkie in structured training classes that focus on obedience and socialization. These classes expose them to controlled environments and interactions.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Reward calm and polite behavior during social interactions with treats and praise. This reinforces positive behavior and encourages your Yorkie to remain composed in various situations.

d. Train Effectively with Positive Rewards

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for managing hyperactivity. By rewarding desired behaviors with treats, praise, or affection, you can shape your Yorkie’s conduct effectively. Teaching them basic commands and manners not only improves their behavior but also provides mental stimulation.

Effective Training Tips:

  • Consistency: Consistency is key when using positive reinforcement. Reward the behavior you want to encourage every time your Yorkie displays it.
  • Patience: Hyperactive dogs might take longer to learn and adapt to new behaviors. Be patient and provide clear cues to help them understand what you expect.
  • Small Steps: Break down commands into smaller steps. Gradually build up to more complex behaviors, rewarding your Yorkie for achieving each milestone.

e. Create Calm Environment

Creating a calm environment at home is essential for managing hyperactivity. Yorkies can be sensitive to their surroundings, and an overstimulating environment can contribute to their restless behavior. Designating a quiet and cozy space for your Yorkie to unwind can make a significant difference.

yorkie getting calm

Creating a Calm Space:

  • Quiet Retreat: Set up a designated area where your Yorkie can retreat when they need a break from excitement. This space should be away from high-traffic areas and noise.
  • Soft Lighting and Comfort: Provide soft lighting and comfortable bedding in their designated space. This creates a calming atmosphere that encourages relaxation.
  • Avoid Overstimulation: Minimize loud noises, bright lights, and excessive activity in their calm space. This helps your Yorkie feel secure and at ease.

By integrating these effective strategies into your daily routine, you can successfully manage and reduce hyperactivity in your Yorkie. A combination of regular exercise, mental stimulation, positive training, socialization, and a calm environment empowers you to create a balanced and contented life for your energetic companion.

VI. When to Seek Professional Help?

In our journey to manage hyperactivity in Yorkshire Terriers, there might come a time when seeking professional assistance becomes necessary. 

While many strategies can be effective in curbing hyper tendencies, there are instances where the expertise of a professional dog trainer or behaviorist can make a world of difference. Knowing when to reach out for expert guidance is a crucial aspect of responsible pet ownership.

veterinary intensive care technician exams yorkie

Recognize the Signs of hyperactivity

The decision to seek professional help should be based on your assessment of your Yorkie’s behavior and well-being. If their hyperactivity significantly disrupts their daily life, and your household, or poses a risk to their health, it is time to consider professional intervention. Signs that may warrant seeking expert assistance include:

  • Extreme Agitation
  • Inability to Respond to Training
  • Compulsive Behaviors
  • Fear and Anxiety

Tips for Consulting a Professional

When considering professional help, it is essential to choose a qualified and experienced dog trainer or behaviorist. Seek recommendations from veterinarians, pet owners, or online communities specializing in Yorkies. 

Professionals will conduct a thorough assessment of your dog’s behavior, history, and environment to tailor a customized plan addressing their specific needs.

Working with a professional should be a collaborative effort between you, the trainer, and your Yorkie. The trainer may offer guidance on behavior modification techniques, training exercises, and environmental adjustments to manage hyperactivity. 

Remember that progress may take time, and consistent implementation of their recommendations is key.

Frequently Asked Questions

At what age do Yorkies calm down? 

Yorkies typically begin to exhibit a decrease in their hyperactivity levels as they mature, which usually happens around the age of 2 to 3 years. During this time, they tend to settle into a more balanced and calm demeanor. However, individual variations may exist, and some Yorkies may take a bit longer to fully mellow out.

Are Yorkies high in anxiety? 

While Yorkies are known for their spirited and energetic nature, they can also be prone to anxiety. This can manifest as excessive barking, trembling, or even aggression in response to certain stimuli. Early socialization, proper training, and creating a calm environment can help manage anxiety in Yorkies.

Are Yorkies good with kids?

Yorkies can be wonderful companions for families with children, but their suitability depends on various factors. Proper training and socialization from a young age are crucial to ensure that the Yorkie is comfortable and well-behaved around kids. It is important to teach both the dog and children how to interact respectfully and safely.

What age do Yorkies mellow out?

Yorkies typically start to mellow out and show reduced hyperactivity around the age of 2 to 3 years. This is a gradual process as they transition from their puppy phase to adulthood. However, it is worth noting that individual temperament and behavior can influence the timeline for each Yorkie.

What are common Yorkie behavior problems?

Common behavior problems in Yorkies can include excessive barking, nipping, separation anxiety, and territorial behavior. These behaviors can often be attributed to their high energy levels and spirited nature. Proper training, socialization, and addressing their energy needs can help mitigate these issues.

Why do Yorkies have high energy?

Yorkies are naturally energetic due to their breed characteristics. They were originally bred as working dogs, which has contributed to their lively and active temperament. Their small size means they have a lot of energy packed into their little bodies. Regular exercise, mental stimulation, and a balanced routine can help manage their high energy levels.

To sum-up

Understanding and managing hyperactivity in Yorkshire Terriers requires a balanced approach. Embrace their energetic traits while implementing exercise, mental stimulation, training, and seeking professional guidance when needed. 

By doing so, you are fostering a harmonious relationship while demonstrating responsible pet ownership. Your efforts will lead to a happier and healthier Yorkie companion.

Real-Life Testimonials


As a Yorkie owner, I faced initial challenges with my hyperactive pup, Ruud. His boundless energy made training difficult. Determined, I took a comprehensive approach. Regular exercise, mental stimulation, and positive reinforcement training were key. Over time, Ruud became calmer and more responsive to commands. Our bond grew stronger, and he’s now a wonderful companion.

— Deborah

Real-Life Testimonials


I’d like to share my experience with my hyperactive Yorkie, Gina. Her restlessness led to excessive barking and nipping at strangers. I turned to a specialist in Yorkshire Terrier training. With structured sessions and behavior modification, Gina’s hyper tendencies gradually faded. My commitment to consistent training and expert guidance transformed Gina into a well-mannered and well-adjusted Yorkie.

— Anthony

Real-Life Testimonials


I’d love to share my experience with my lively Yorkie, Esther. While he wasn’t the most hyperactive, he had his moments. I found that incorporating mental stimulation games, arranging regular playdates with other dogs, and using positive reinforcement techniques worked wonders. Esther’s hyper tendencies became more manageable, and our bond grew stronger. The joy of seeing him thrive was the ultimate reward for my efforts. Managing his energy was a fulfilling journey that brought us even closer.

— Scott
Hi, I’m Joseph

I'm Joseph Evans, a dedicated writer and passionate Yorkie enthusiast. From a young age, I've been captivated by the charm and uniqueness of Yorkshire Terriers. As the proud owner of the website, I've turned my passion into a platform for sharing valuable insights about these adorable companions.

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