Are Yorkies Easy to Train? [You Should Know This Effective Secret]

are yorkies easy to train

As a proud Yorkie owner or a soon-to-be one, you may wonder about their trainability. Yorkies are undeniably charming, but their energetic personality and curiosity can present unique challenges during training. 

Yorkshire Terriers, often fondly known as Yorkies, are small-sized dogs with big personalities. Don’t let their tiny size fool you – they possess intense loyalty and a sharp intellect that makes them excellent watchdogs. 

Originating from England, Yorkies were initially bred for catching rats in textile mills during the 19th century. Over time, they transitioned from being skilled workers to beloved companions.

Effective Yorkie training is crucial

Training is not just about teaching your Yorkie to perform tricks; it plays a vital role in shaping their behavior and building a strong bond between you and your furry friend. A well-trained Yorkie is a joy to be around, not only for you but also for everyone they encounter. 

Proper training will ensure they become well-mannered and socially proficient companions, making your life together more enjoyable and fulfilling. But, are Yorkies easy to train?

Training Mindset of Yorkie

When it comes to training Yorkshire Terriers, learning their unique mindset is the key to unlocking successful learning experiences. These little dogs possess a mix of confidence and curiosity that sets them apart. 

They are Confident and Curios

Yorkies may be small, but they exude an incredible amount of confidence. This trait, combined with their curious nature, makes them keen to explore the world around them. However, such boldness can sometimes lead to stubbornness during training sessions. 

As an owner, it is crucial to strike the right balance between acknowledging their confidence and gently guiding them to follow your commands.

a little yorkie puppy playing

To address their aggressiveness, establish yourself as the pack leader with gentle authority. Show them that you are their trusted guide and protector. Avoid using harsh training methods, as this can sow fear and negatively impact their willingness to learn. Instead, focus on building a strong bond built on trust and positive reinforcement.

Building a Strong Bond

Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship, and the bond between you and your Yorkie is no exception. Establishing trust early on will create a positive learning environment, where your furry companion feels safe and comfortable.

One of the most effective training techniques for Yorkies to build trust is positive reinforcement. Praise, treats, and encouraging words are powerful motivators that support good behavior. 

Another helpful tool in training Yorkies is clicker training. A small handheld device that emits a distinct clicking sound, the clicker marks the exact moment your Yorkie performs the desired behavior.

Personalizing Training for Each Yorkie

Just like humans, each Yorkie has a unique personality. Some may be outgoing and adventurous, while others are more timid and cautious. Tailoring your training approach to suit your Yorkie’s individuality is essential for achieving the best results.

For a confident Yorkie, capitalize on their eagerness to learn by introducing new and challenging commands. Keeping their minds engaged through interactive games and puzzles will prevent boredom and promote continuous learning.

On the other hand, a shy or cautious Yorkie may require a slower approach. Be patient and supportive, providing ample positive reinforcement to boost their self-assurance. Gradually introduce them to new experiences and people, employing delicate socialization techniques to help them build confidence.

Positive Reinforcement Training 

Positive reinforcement is a powerful and compassionate training method that focuses on rewarding desired behaviors rather than punishing unwanted ones. For Yorkies, who thrive on affection and praise, this training approach is particularly effective in shaping their behavior. 

Reward-Based Training Method

Reward-based training involves using treats, praise, and encouraging words to reinforce good behavior. Yorkies are food-motivated, which makes treats an excellent incentive during training sessions. 

When your Yorkie correctly follows a command, immediately reward them with a tasty treat. Choose small, bite-sized treats to avoid overfeeding and to maintain their enthusiasm for the rewards.

a girl rewarding yorkie after training

In addition to treats, encourage your furry friend with verbal praise and affectionate gestures. Use an upbeat and positive tone to let them know they’re doing a great job. Positive reinforcement strengthens the bond between you and your Yorkie, creating a positive association with training.

It’s essential to be consistent with rewards. Every time your Yorkie behaves appropriately, make sure to acknowledge it with treats and praise. Consistency will help reinforce the desired behavior and make it more likely for them to repeat it in the future.

Clicker Training Technique

Clicker training is a popular positive reinforcement technique that accelerates the learning process for Yorkies. The clicker is a small device that emits a distinct sound when pressed. This sound serves as a precise and instant marker to signal to your Yorkie that they’ve performed the correct action.

To start clicker training, pair the clicker sound with treats. Press the clicker and immediately offer a treat. Repeat this process several times, so your Yorkie associates the clicker sound with receiving a reward.

Once the association is established, use the clicker to mark desired behaviors during training. For example, if you want your Yorkie to sit, wait for them to sit naturally, and then click the device immediately. Follow the click with a treat and praise. 

Over time, your Yorkie will understand that sitting when they hear the clicker leads to rewards, making them more likely to sit on command.

Clicker training enhances communication with your Yorkie and provides clear feedback during training sessions. It allows you to pinpoint the exact moment of desirable behavior, making the learning process quicker and more efficient.

Being Regular and Consistent

Consistency is important in Yorkie training. Dogs thrive on routine, so maintaining a consistent training schedule will help them understand what is expected of them. Set aside regular training sessions each day, keeping them sharp and engaging to prevent boredom.

Repeat training commands regularly to reinforce the learning process. The more your Yorkie practices a specific behavior, the more likely it becomes second nature to them. However, avoid excessively long training sessions, as Yorkies have short attention spans. Short, frequent sessions are more effective than lengthy, infrequent ones.

Consistency also applies to everyone involved in your Yorkie’s training. Ensure that all family members or caregivers use the same commands and techniques to prevent confusion and reinforce the lessons learned.

an excited yorkie jumping high

Positive reinforcement training forms the foundation of a well-behaved and happy Yorkie. With treats, praise, and consistency, you’ll discover how quickly your little companion learns and thrives under this positive and loving approach.

House Training Your Yorkie

House training, also known as potty training, is an essential aspect of Yorkie training. Successfully teaching your Yorkie where and when to do their business will promote a clean and harmonious living environment for both you and your furry companion. Learn how often do yorkies pee and poop. You can watch this video to learn about potty training a yorkie.

Using Yorkie’s Desire as a Tool for House Training

Yorkies are eager to please their owners, making them highly trainable when it comes to house training. Leverage this desire to please by offering positive reinforcement for correct behavior.

Designate a specific spot outdoors where you want your Yorkie to do their business. Take them to this spot consistently, especially after waking up, eating, or playing. When they eliminate in the desired area, praise them enthusiastically and offer a treat as a reward. 

Positive reinforcement will create a strong association between going potty in the right spot and receiving rewards, motivating them to repeat this behavior.

On the other hand, if accidents happen indoors, avoid scolding or punishing your Yorkie. Instead, clean up the mess calmly without drawing attention to it. Punishing your Yorkie for accidents can create fear and anxiety, delaying their progress in house training.

Creating a Consistent Routine

Consistency is important in house training your Yorkie. Establishing a routine helps them understand when and where they should go potty. Puppies, in particular, benefit from a structured schedule.

Feed your Yorkie at the same times each day, which will lead to predictable bathroom breaks. Young puppies may need to go out as frequently as every 1-2 hours. As they grow older, they can hold it for longer periods, but regular bathroom breaks are still essential.

A consistent routine not only helps with potty training but also aids in other aspects of their behavior. Yorkies thrive on predictability and knowing what to expect from their daily lives.

Effective House Training Tips

  1. Be Patient: House training takes time and patience. Some Yorkies may catch on quickly, while others may need more time. Be patient and consistent in your training efforts.
  2. Use a Crate: A crate can be a valuable tool for house training. When you can’t supervise your Yorkie, place them in a crate to prevent accidents and keep them safe.
  3. Watch for Signs: Watch for signs that your Yorkie needs to go potty, such as sniffing, circling, or restlessness. Take them to the designated potty spot as soon as you notice these signs.
  4. Clean Accidents Thoroughly: Clean up accidents with an enzymatic cleaner designed for pet messes. This will eliminate any abiding odors that might attract your Yorkie to the same spot.
  5. Celebrate Success: When your Yorkie successfully goes potty in the right spot, celebrate the achievement with plenty of praise and rewards. Positive reinforcement will support their good behavior.

Remember that accidents may happen, especially with puppies, but consistent training and a positive approach will lead to a well-behaved and potty-trained companion.

yorkie playing with owner

Obedience Training and Socialization

Obedience training and socialization are vital components of Yorkie training that contribute to their overall well-being and behavior. Early actions in these areas set the foundation for a well-adjusted and socially adept Yorkie.

Early Obedience Training Is Important

Early obedience training is essential for shaping your Yorkie’s behavior and instilling good habits from the beginning. Puppies are like sponges, absorbing information and learning quickly during their early developmental stages. By starting training early, you can prevent behavioral issues and establish a strong bond with your pup.

Begin with basic commands such as “sit,” “stay,” “come,” and “down.” Use positive reinforcement and rewards to motivate your Yorkie to obey these commands. Patience and consistency are crucial during this phase, as puppies may push boundaries and have short attention spans.

Remember to keep training sessions short and fun to avoid overwhelming your puppy. Gradually increase the complexity of commands as your Yorkie becomes more comfortable with the training process. Early obedience training creates a well-mannered and responsive companion that enhances your life for years to come.

Preventing Behavioral Issues with Early Socialization

Socialization is the process of introducing your Yorkie to various people, animals, environments, and experiences. Proper socialization during the early stages of a Yorkie’s life is vital to prevent behavioral issues such as fearfulness, aggression, and anxiety.

Expose your puppy to different situations in a controlled and positive manner. Introduce them to new people, including adults, children, and strangers, while ensuring the meetings are positive and rewarding. Encourage gentle interactions with other dogs to promote friendly behavior.

little cute yorkie socializing with other dog

Exposing your Yorkie to various environments, such as parks, busy streets, and different indoor spaces, will help them become more adaptable and confident. Socialization teaches your puppy to handle new experiences with ease, reducing the likelihood of fear or anxiety later in life.

Training shy Yorkies requires a patient and gentle approach. This helps them overcome their timidity and become more confident in social situations. The goal is to gradually introduce them to new experiences, such as meeting people and other pets. By doing so, shy Yorkies can become more comfortable with the outside environment and reduce their anxiety and fear. 

Training Techniques for Basic Commands

Teaching your Yorkie basic commands is a rewarding experience that strengthens your bond and improves their overall behavior. Here are some effective techniques for training basic commands:

  • Utilize positive reinforcement with treats and praise for desired behavior.
  • Be consistent with commands and rewards to reinforce learning.
  • Exercise patience during training, as progress may be gradual.
  • Utilize clicker training for clear and efficient communication.
  • Consider enrolling your Yorkie in socialization classes for positive interactions. These classes offer controlled environments for your pup to interact with other dogs and people while learning basic commands and proper behavior.

These basic skills will serve them well throughout their lives and contribute to their status as a well-mannered and confident member of your family.

Engaging Training Methods

Yorkies are intelligent and energetic dogs, so incorporating fun and interactive training techniques will not only sharpen their skills but also deepen the bond between you and your furry friend. Let’s explore various engaging methods to make training enjoyable for both you and your Yorkie.

Mental Stimulation and Interactive Games

Mental stimulation is essential for Yorkies, as it challenges their minds and prevents boredom-related behavior issues. Incorporate interactive games into your training sessions to keep your pup mentally engaged.

  1. Hide and Seek: Hide treats or toys around the house and encourage your Yorkie to find them. This game taps into their natural curiosity and keen sense of smell, providing mental exercise while rewarding their efforts.
  2. Puzzle Toys: Invest in puzzle toys that require your Yorkie to problem-solve and manipulate the toy to access treats or kibble. These toys provide mental stimulation and can keep your pup occupied for extended periods.
  3. Teaching New Tricks: Teach your Yorkie new tricks beyond the basic commands. Whether it’s rolling over, giving a paw, or jumping through a hoop, learning new tricks will challenge your pup’s intellect and enhance their training experience.
a yorkie sitting after a sit command

Diverse Training to Avoid Boredom

Variety is the spice of life, even in training. Yorkies are easily bored with repetitive routines, so keep their training sessions diverse and exciting.

  1. Rotate Training Activities: Alternate between obedience training, agility exercises, and interactive games. This rotation prevents monotony and maintains your Yorkie’s enthusiasm for learning.
  2. Change Training Locations: Conduct training sessions in different areas, both indoors and outdoors. Different environments add novelty to the training experience and improve your pup’s ability to follow commands in various settings.
  3. Use Different Rewards: While treats are effective, mix in other rewards like praise, belly rubs, or playtime with their favorite toys. This variety keeps your Yorkie interested and responsive during training.

Training Tips for Leash Walking and Recall

Proper leash walking and reliable recall are crucial for your Yorkie’s safety and enjoyment during outdoor adventures.

Leash Walking

Use positive reinforcement when leash training your Yorkie. Reward them with treats and praise for walking calmly beside you without pulling. If your Yorkie pulls on the leash, stop walking until they return to your side. Consistency will teach them that pulling leads to no progress, while walking calmly results in rewards and forward movement.

Recall Training

Recall training ensures that your Yorkie comes to you when called, even in distracting environments. Begin recall training indoors or in a fenced yard with minimal distractions. Use high-value treats to reward them for responding to their name. Gradually increase the level of distraction as they become more reliable with their recall.

Engaging training methods not only stimulates your Yorkie’s mind but also keeps them excited and focused during training. Mental stimulation, varied training, and reliable leash walking and recall will help your Yorkie become an allrounder and well-behaved companion.

Addressing Training Challenges

Training a Yorkie can be a rewarding experience, but it may also come with some challenges. By understanding how to tackle these challenges, you can ensure a successful training journey for both you and your furry companion.

Handling Yorkies with Stubborn Behavior

Yorkies are known for their spirited personalities, which can sometimes lead to uncompromising behavior during training. When faced with stubbornness, it’s essential to remain patient and persistent.

  1. Avoid Punishment: Never resort to punishment or harsh methods. These tactics can harm your Yorkie’s trust in you and may worsen their behavior. Instead, focus on positive reinforcement and rewards for good behavior.
  2. Break Tasks into Steps: If your Yorkie seems overwhelmed or resistant to learning a new command, break the task into smaller, achievable steps. Celebrate each small success with treats and praise, gradually building up to the complete command.
  3. Stay Calm: Stay calm and composed during training sessions. Dogs can pick up on their owner’s emotions, and displaying frustration or impatience may hinder progress. Training should be a positive and enjoyable experience for both you and your Yorkie.

Say “No” to Negative Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is the most effective method for training Yorkies. Avoid using negative reinforcement or punishment, as it can lead to fear and anxiety in your furry friend. Use treats, praise, and affection to reward your Yorkie when they show the desired behavior. 

sad yorkie after being punished

Be consistent in rewarding good behavior. This strengthens the connection between the action and the positive outcome. Consistency helps your Yorkie understand what behavior is expected of them.

Redirect Unwanted Behavior

Instead of punishing unwanted behavior, redirect your Yorkie’s attention to an acceptable activity. For example, if they are chewing on furniture, offer them a chew toy instead.

Getting a Professional Dog Trainer Help

If you find yourself facing persistent challenges in training your Yorkie, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Professional dog trainers have experience working with various breeds, including Yorkies, and can provide personalized guidance to address specific issues.

  1. Certified Trainers: Look for certified dog trainers with experience in positive reinforcement training methods. They can assess your Yorkie’s behavior and create a customized training plan to address their individual needs.
  2. Training Classes: Consider enrolling your Yorkie in training classes with a reputable trainer. These classes not only provide structured training sessions but also offer socialization opportunities with other dogs, enhancing your pup’s social skills.

Remember that every dog is unique, and some may require more time and effort to grasp certain commands or overcome behavior challenges.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is a Yorkie easy to potty train? 

Potty training a Yorkie can be a bit challenging due to their small size and sometimes stubborn nature. However, with consistent positive reinforcement, a regular potty schedule, and patience, you can successfully potty train your Yorkie. Use rewards and praise when they eliminate in the appropriate spot to reinforce good behavior.

How do you discipline a Yorkie? 

Positive reinforcement is the most effective way to discipline a Yorkie. Avoid punishment or negative reinforcement, as it can lead to fear and anxiety. Instead, redirect their behavior to a positive activity, and reward good behavior with treats and praise.

Are Yorkies high maintenance? 

Yes, Yorkies can be considered high maintenance, especially when it comes to their training needs. Due to their intelligence and energetic nature, Yorkies require consistent training and mental stimulation. Training a Yorkie involves teaching them basic commands, leash walking, and socialization to ensure they become well-mannered and well-adjusted companions.

Are Yorkies good for beginners? 

Yorkies can be suitable for beginners, but they require consistent training and socialization. Their small size and delicate nature mean they need gentle handling. If you are willing to put in the effort and time to care for a Yorkie properly, they can make loving and loyal companions for beginners and experienced dog owners alike.

Are Yorkies Easy to Train? Summary

Training Yorkies requires a positive and patient approach. Training your Yorkie is an opportunity to build a strong bond and foster a well-behaved companion. With dedication and effort, your Yorkie can become a polite and confident dog. Remember that every pup is unique, so tailor your training to suit their individual personality and needs.

By employing effective training techniques and providing love and care, you can help your Yorkie become a happy and well-adjusted member of your family. The journey of training is a fulfilling one, and the rewards of a well-trained Yorkie are immeasurable.

Hi, I’m Joseph

I'm Joseph Evans, a dedicated writer and passionate Yorkie enthusiast. From a young age, I've been captivated by the charm and uniqueness of Yorkshire Terriers. As the proud owner of the website, I've turned my passion into a platform for sharing valuable insights about these adorable companions.

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